The Holy Trinity

The Holy Trinity comprises of:
  • God the Father (Head)
  • God the Son (Jesus Christ)
  • God the Holy Spirit.

God the Father

He Himself is the God above everything.
The creator of Heaven and Earth as the stated in Genesis 1:1
He is seated on the throne forever and He never leaves His throne.
He created the whole universe in an orderly manner for he is known to be an orderly God.
He created man with His image basically to glorify Him and to worship Him

The following names describe him widely:
  • Jehova Adonai-Our Lord
  • Jehova Elshadai
  • Jehova Nissi-Our Banner
  • Jehova Tsidekenu
  • Jehova Rohi-Our Shepherd
  • Jehova Mekadishken
  • Jehova Shalom-Our Peace
  • Jehova Rapha-Our Healer
  • Jehova El-Gibor
  • Jehova Jireh-Our Provider
  • Jehova Sabaoth
  • Jehova Nissi
As we have read in the Bible God:
  • Is a loving Father who desires us to have a personal relationship with Him.
  • Is abounding in Grace and Love.
  • Sent His only begotten son Jesus Christ to die for humanity because they were turning away from Him as we have read in the books of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John which also have records the life of Jesus on earth.

The Books of Exodus:
  • Depicts the power of God as a powerful God-mighty in battle
  • He who provides as He provided water, manna and quails for the Israelites.
  • He also is a caring Father as is clearly shown from the story of the Israelites.
  • His aim always is to have a personal and deep relationship with humanity.

God The Son (Jesus Christ)

  • He is the only begotten Son of God.
  • Born of the Spirit of God as read in Luke 1:35.

Prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 61 Describes Him vividly as

  • Anointed by The Spirit of God.
  • To preach good news to the poor.
  • Proclaim freedom to captives.
  • Preach freedom to prisoners and recovery of sight to blind.
  • Release the oppressed.
  • Proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.

God the son:

  • Is the suffering servant.
  • Was born mainly to die for Human Kind to restore us back to God.
  • Began His ministry when He was 30 years old and ministered for 3 year.
He went through all hardships:
  • Rejections as read in Luke 4:14-30
  • Oppositions by pharisees and sadducees and even the Jews themselves who never accepted Him as their Messiah.
  • Temptations described in Luke 4:1-13 where the devil tempted Him at the wilderness but He overcame by the Word of God.

He taught using parables and performed all miracles for example healing the sick, calming the storm, raisin the dead among many other miracles.
He died on the cross and accomplished the will of God by displaying the Love of God perfectly and is sitting at the right hand side of God.

God The Holy Spirit

  • He is God away from the throne.
  • He is the power of God.
  • He is the first one to be revealed as told in Genesis 1:2.
  • Sent to the earth after the departure of Jesus Christ in John 14:26.
  • He is not a force, not a wind, not an imaginary being but a person
  • The Bible terms Him as a He.
  • He is a Gentle Man.
  • A Helper.
  • Comforter.
  • Teacher.
  • He is our Standby.
  • Longs for our relationship and fellowship.
  • He reveals to us the Mind of The Father as he knows it better.
  • He tells us what He gets from the Father.
  • He is with us and in us.
  • When He returns to the Father He shall take the Church with Him.

Dear Beloved, the Kingdom has come, it's time to repent and return your precious souls back to God. Let this not pass you.

Collossians 2:13-15

God made you alive with Christ; He forgave you all your sins having canceled the charge of our Legal indebtness which stood against us and condemned us; He has taken it away nailing it to the cross and having disarmed the powers and authorities. He made a public spectacle of them; triumphing over them by the cross.

John 3:16

God so Loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whoever Believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life

Repent them and turn to God that your sins may be wiped out that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.

