NASA leader Raila Odinga fails to make his big announcement.

Nasa leader Raila Odinga will not be making his much-anticipated announcement this Tuesday after all.
A statement from Mr Odinga’s Chief Agent in the August 8 poll Musalia Mudavadi says negotiations on the announcement had taken longer than expected.

"Owing to the urgency, complexity and delicate nature of issues Nasa Summit is handling, our consultations are on-going and progressing well,” he said.
"We regret that the consultations are taking longer than anticipated and Nasa will therefore not address Kenyans as projected today. Nasa will issue a comprehensive statement to the nation tomorrow.”
Kenyans were waiting with bated breath for Mr Odinga to declare his next course of action.

He made the pledge last Sunday during a visit to Kibera slums where he also urged his supporters to boycott work on Monday and mourn their colleagues felled by police bullets.
The opposition chief is expected to guide his supporters on what actions his coalition would take after losing the General Election last week.
